Никогда не считай неважным то, что греет тебя внутри (с)
Интервью с Дзюн Мотидзуки, создательницей манги Pandora Hearts.

_How did you integrated the world of manga ?_

I always enjoyed to draw. Since primary school to High School, I used to filling my books with drawings. Then, I tried to prepare the entrance examination for a Arts School. Unfortunately, I failed. I continued to draw alone, and I finally got the idea to show my work to Square Enix. By chance, one of the leading persons in charge noticed it. And that's how my career of mangaka began. Square Enix agreed to publish a One-shot in one of its magazines of prepublication, then a short story, and now the final result, Pandora Hearts.

_From which does your inspiration come from Lewis Carroll ?_

I'm not even sure to have understood the story of "Alice in Wonderland".
(Little scene from Disney's Alice in Wonderland)
But what I particularly enjoy in this story, it's the ambivalence between apparent cheerfulness and the impression of anxiety which characterizes the universe. When I proposed the idea of Pandora Hearts to my leader, he said to me to pay great attention to not parody Alice in Wonderland. Then I paid attention not to plagiarize the book, neither to make a sequel of it, nor even going on the opposite. I'm simply inspired by images and by the atmosphere in general.

_ Did you took part to the adaptation from the manga to the anime ?_

When they showed the project for the anime adaptation, my leader told me to not be implied, because this project wasn't mine. So I didn't give any concils to the staff. I just answered to their questions. I really like the anime ! Watching the serie is just like watching someone else's work, that enabled me to take retreat on my own work and to analyze it in a more objective way. About the sequel of the anime, I can't decide. Only Square Enix will be able to tell us !

_You're already popular in France whereas the manga's juste out.
How do you live this success?_

It's the first time I leave my country and go to another country. As you can imagine , I was very anxious. Not only because I left my country, but also because I was going to meet foreign fans, with whom I don't speak the same language. But I was reassured to notice that French fans had the same reactions as Japanese fans.
And I was charmed to see so many cosplays of Pandora Hearts.

_Do you already know the end of Pandora Hearts ?_

Yes, I know how the story is going to finish. I also know at which time the tension will be at its paroxism. But I have still many ideas to find, in particular between the two parts.

_Would you like an adaptation in video game ?_

I love videogames, but I don't have time to play it now, but when I was young, I often play with my big brother. Of course, I would adore to participate to the creation of a Pandora Hearts game !

I was Mochizuki Jun, on GONG. The author of Pandora Hearts!

by agamertz
2010-11-27 08:01 p

Мне нравится, как автор идеи и мира радостно реагирует на воплощение своей идеи в других жанрах другими людьми)) Жаль лишь, что от нее не зависит продолжение аниме. Потому что отчаянно хочется.
И теперь мне придется-таки читать мангу %)

@темы: anime, Alice